Manifestation: An Honest Talk About How to Practice it the Right Way As a Christian

Table of Contents

  • Introduction to Manifestation
  • What is Satan’s Lie?
  • What Are God’s Truths?
  • Overcome Your Mental Block
  • Conclusion
  • Special Offer

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Introduction – How Long Has Manifestation Been Around?

The manifestation practice has been around for centuries, if not millennia. It is difficult to pinpoint an exact date of origin, as the method has been expressed differently and across different cultures throughout history. However, some of the earliest recorded examples of manifestation can be found in ancient Eastern philosophical traditions such as Hinduism and Buddhism.

In the Western world, manifestation began to gain popularity in the 19th century with the rise of the New Thought movement. New Thought was a spiritual and philosophical movement emphasizing the power of the mind and the importance of positive thinking. New Thought leaders taught that people could create their own reality through the power of their thoughts and beliefs.

In the 20th century, manifestation became more widely known thanks to the work of authors such as Napoleon Hill and Neville Goddard. Hill’s book Think and Grow Rich, published in 1937, became a bestseller and helped to popularize the idea that people could achieve their goals through visualization and positive thinking. Goddard’s books, such as Your Faith Is Your Fortune and Feeling Is the Secret, further developed the concept of manifestation and taught people how to use it to create the lives they wanted.

In recent years, the practice of manifestation has become even more popular, thanks partly to social media and the rise of the self-help movement. Today, there are many different manifestation techniques and practices available, and people from all walks of life are using them to create the lives they want. Some followers of Christ believe that a manifestation practice is off-limits. In this article, I’ll explore critical concepts anyone can use (especially Christians) to get manifestation right. We’ll cover Satan’s lie, God’s truths, and the mental block everyone must overcome to get their heart’s desire.

I invite you to watch the three-part training series on my YouTube channel, Why Christians Get Manifestation Wrong. Click here.

What is Satan’s Lie?

Scriptural references: Genesis 1:26, 28-29; 2:15-17; 3:1-4

In the beginning, God created humankind and gave us dominion over all the earth. Additionally, God gave every tree that yielded seed to Adam and Eve for food, save one, the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil.

Satan deceived humankind and tricked us into focusing on the single item we didn’t have (i.e., lack) versus all that Jehovah God provided (abundance). Throughout the history of human civilization, Satan’s lies have grown and been perpetuated, e.g., many suffer from the idea of “not enough.”

  • Not smart enough.
  • Not worthy enough.
  • Not pretty or handsome enough.
  • Not enough food, money, love, acceptance, etc.
  • They don’t have enough … [you fill in the blank].

And these ideas are repeated through our news cycles, social media, and pop culture.

Not enough or lack is a devilish thought because Jehovah God does not deal with lack. When we (humankind) can unlearn Satan’s lie and fill our minds and spirits with Jehovah’s truth, our lives will change.

What Are God’s Truths?

To counteract what the Devil peddles daily on the news cycle, we must acknowledge Jehovah’s truths.

  • Truth 1: God created an abundant existence. Genesis 1:26, 28-29; 2:15-17
  • Truth 2: Jehovah implemented a natural law of planting and harvesting. If you plant a peach seed, you’ll eventually harvest peaches from a peach tree. Genesis 1:11-12 And we can leverage the same principle for our thoughts. Plant good thoughts and you’ll reap the benefits.
  • Truth 3: God created all things. Genesis 1:1-10
  • Truth 4: God owns all things. Psalms 24:1
  • Truth 5: Jehovah gives freely to us through His providential care. Matthew 7:7-11
  • Truth 6: We are loved, worthy, and redeemable because we’re created in God’s image, and He sent His son, Jesus, to die for our sins. Romans 5:8, 1 John 4:9-10

When we can unlearn Satan’s lies and rewire our minds to fully embrace God’s truths, we break free from the lie of lack.

Overcome Your Mental Block With Manifestation

Some believers say that because of the origin of manifestation, Christians should stay away from the practice. However, the scriptures teach, “We know that ‘An idol is nothing at all in the world’ and that ‘There is no God but one.'” (1 Corinthians 8:1-8) In other words, humankind can ascribe superstition and various practices to many things that do not trump the power and knowledge of God Almighty.

Others say that instead of having a practice like manifestation, all that followers of Christ have to do is have faith. Yet the Bible says, “Faith without works is dead.” (James 2:14), Meaning, regarding Jehovah’s interaction with humankind, typically, there is still something for us to do. For example, if a believer exercised faith only, they might sit in a field someplace praying to God for food instead of growing their food on a farm or working to earn a wage to buy food to feed themselves.

Another argument against believers engaging in a manifestation practice is that it is a self-centered, self-absorbed, selfish act that puts the person in the place of God Almighty.

On this point, I agree with the naysayers. Anything that puts the person in place of God is wrong. That is why manifesting from the proper perspective is vital to having a God-centered practice. If a believer seeks to engage in a manifestation practice the right way and honor God in the process, it must be a practice that:

  • Debunks Satan’s lies.
  • Acknowledge and affirm God’s truths.
  • Yield to God’s perfect will over our lives.


The manifestation practice I’m encouraging you to explore has more to do with Jehovah God and less with believing we (created beings) rule our destiny as if we are the Creator.

The most significant mental roadblock many people have when seeking to achieve anything meaningful in their lives is the negative self-talk of not enough. But, this concept of lack in the world or in ourselves is a devilish concept because God created an abundant universe, and we’re made in His image. In other words, there is no lack. When we fully embrace that single point, we can stand firm on God’s truths and use them as the basis of our manifestation practice.

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